Sleep, you’re not doing it right

Sleep is something we all have to do and have been doing since the day we graced this earth. So why are so many of us getting it so wrong?  Having never been one to easily catch a few winks on the train, bus, floor or even worse standing, my fussiness requires the best support and comfort, not to mention complete darkness and utter silence.

With the busy lives we all tend to lead in this modern day, sleep doesn’t appear to be high on anyone’s agendas. But the fact is, it really should be, the consequences of not getting enough can even be dangerous to one’s health. I’ve always believed sleep is far more important than most people think, sacrificing it can be fairly costly as far as productivity is concerned. It’s time to awaken ourselves the reality that is, sleep is just as important as keeping fit and eating well. Yes, it plays a role in weight management also.

Why Is sleep so important?

After many a year of working in a hectic busy work environment where pressure to perform and succeed is constant, I have witnessed many workers choosing to power through work despite feeling tired, in order to be more productive. Studies show that this is a poor choice, at the first stage of sleepiness, yawning and feeling drowsy, your muscle activity and response timing have already slowed down.  If you’re currently only achieving five hours sleep a night, you may notice you’re not on the ball as much as you perhaps used to be.  Five hours sleep a night leaves a person in this ‘sleep drunk’ state, according to a Harvard study. Shockingly, something 15% are suffering from. Leaving us in a position where we are sleeping 20% less than they did 100 years ago, I thought we were meant to be advancing not slowing down?

Performance really is at the heart of needing to get a satisfactory night’s sleep. If you are week on week repeating the same pattern of five hours sleep a night combined with extra late nights in the office, and still driving home. You must consider what effect that has on yourself and your driving ability, not forgetting others surrounding you. 1/5 car accidents involve driver sleepiness, so much so that statistics show when day light saving hours allow us an extra hour’s sleep, the number of car accidents decline. Yes, your job is important and so is remaining on top of your workflow however your own mental and physical well-being is far more superior, never forget that.

How to take action.

It’s time to apply some actions to your sleeping pattern.  A few small steps will make a huge difference to your ability to gain a decent night’s sleep. Starting with your morning routine, if you’re a coffee drinker or be it caffeine in general, it’s time to cut back. I personally enjoy one coffee a day at around 11am. This for me works as it’s the most crucial time to perk up and gives me the energy boost I much need before lunch. If your lunch is well balanced and not too carb heavy, your energy levels will be sufficient to last the day. Take a walk outside during lunch, getting as much natural daylight as possible is essential. Light effects many aspects of your mental well-being, keep yourself trapped in the dark whole that is your office desk and you’ll have an issue.

When at home is the evenings, perhaps a little light exercise? Swimming is great for those who aren’t overly keen on sports or training. By all means relax in front of the television afterwards but I recommend not immediately before you head to bed. The powerful light coming from the screen psychologically alerts your brain making it much harder to sleep.  Setting a regular bedtime routine really helps when it comes to adjusting to a new pattern. Your body will eventually start to unwind due to familiarity.

Invest in quality, luxury beds and mattresses can alleviate any issues you currently suffer from regarding sleep. It’s incredibly difficult to advice as to what type of mattress you should buy, firmness is totally personal, a mattress that I may describe as firm you could believe to be soft.  The fact that so many of us are clueless when it comes to buying mattress is because we aren’t looking in the right place, or simply not investing enough time and money. Studies show that a good mattress will improve not only quality of sleep but physical gains such as posture. I have previously discussed the importance of bedroom surroundings, bedroom luxury and comfort has a distinguished effect on your well-being.  So to finalise, I can’t stress enough the importance of implementing these tips into your everyday, whilst also taking the time to research and invest in a new high quality bed or mattress.

