Healthcare: The UK vs. America

With the Conservatives having now won the general election we’re set to see some changes to UK healthcare, and maybe for the better. Not only is the NHS a popular topic but it’s also an issue I’m interested in because of my family. I have two children who are at university and my parents, thankfully, are still with us. So the outcome of the health care the country provides them is of great importance to me. 

I recently read an article on the BBC about health care in America, specifically Obama Care (the official name of the law is ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’), and it got me thinking. A lot of people, quite rightly, have opinions on health care in the UK; we all live different lives and have different needs, so we each seek what is best for us.  However, having followed the Obama Care law since it began as a bill, and reading the above article, it makes me wonder if we should think more about how lucky we are in the UK. Yes some may not be happy with a Conservative government but we have two clear and easily accessible options that will not change regardless of which party is in power: the free NHS or private specialised healthcare. Americans don’t have this luxury; health care changes drastically depending on whether it’s the Republicans or Democrats in control. In fact, the Republicans have openly fought the Obama Care law.

Although Obama Care focuses on health insurance, many Americans haven’t been able to afford health insurance up until the law came in to effect, and as such had little to no options if they or their family became ill. But as of January 2015, there are fewer uninsured Americans which means the bill is working; more people are insured and fewer are struggling with medical debt.

Can we hope to see the Conservatives bring such a positive change to the UK? It’s probably unlikely, but only because their starting point is better than it is in America. They have pledged to improve the areas that need it though. They plan to improve access to mental health treatment across the country, integrate health and social care better and eventually, provide same day appointments for over 75s. Although other parties had promised similar policies it will be interesting to see how the Conservatives in particular, achieve these goals.

What is certain is that we will likely always have a better health care scheme than our friends over the pond. Although Obama Care focuses on allowing more Americans to have affordable, quality health insurance, is this the start of things changing in America? Will they one day have their own version of the NHS, and will that mean their private care is closer, or more dissimilar, to ours? These are all questions that give food for thought. Whether in America or in the UK, it will certainly be interesting to see how things are for both countries come 2020. I hope that for my family’s sake, the Conservatives are able to fulfil their promises and that our health care continues to build on how good it already is and improve in the areas it needs to.
