There’s an App for That – The Rise of Commercial App Development

A team of budding young marketers sat in silence around a boardroom table. Waste paper baskets brimming, surrounded by scatterings of post-it notes and mind maps – each idea too ambitious, or too unrealistic to execute. Just how were they going to turn around this quarter’s revenue decline? Already behind on this year’s projections, they needed a flurry of sales from their engaged and loyal brand audience to turn things around.

But still.


Another sheet of A3 was torn from the wall and made its way across the floor like tumbleweed. It’s high noon and this stand-off needs a victor. But who would make the first move? Aimless doodles and etchings all pointed to the same thing…
They were out of ideas.

Clockwatching, demoralized and defeated, they each looked past the meeting to next year’s budget, just how many of them would be there then? When all seemed lost, a ray of light shone from the most unlikely of sources; the summer intern.
“Why don’t we make an app?”

Heads rose like sunflowers and looked upwards, hopeful – but still speechless. Darting glances were exchanged across the table. Pens left mouths. Pages turned.

“Well, I mean… we could… I suppose…well what I was thinking is…”

A senior team member ushered the intern towards a whiteboard. The intern grasped a marker, and like Excalibur – drew the one word on everyone’s mind…


A term thwart with uncertainty, risk, treachery…and potential. Despite the presence of over 3.8 million apps on the Google Play Store and a further 2 million on the Apple App Store – leading many to believe that the mobile app market is saturated – countless many businesses are continuing to profit financially from the creation of a dedicated app.

The matter of saturation completely depends on the industry. While it is true that gaming, health, fitness and entertainment industries make up the clear majority of new app releases. That isn’t to say there isn’t room to disrupt. In fact, a dedicated app has been the source of success for countless many businesses, and the driving factor isn’t always revenue. Organisations looking to improve engagement, drive awareness, improve internal collaboration, or fulfil a previously unmet market need have benefited greatly from the creation of an app.

And that’s the name of the game. Innovation.

What is it your app will set out to solve or improve – and is it better than anything that currently exists?

Commercial app development is perhaps one of the most interesting and emerging requirements for businesses. With 75% of the world’s population forecasted to own a mobile phone by 2020, it’s no surprise as to why.

But where is this growth being seen, and what apps are businesses creating to help end-users?

The ability to control the environmental factors of one’s home interior has already become one of the most popular application uses. Smart lighting, home thermostats, home cinema and stereo systems, smart water and electric meters that can be updated and monitored from one’s mobile have been adopted by the major players in each industry.
Similarly, applications that communicate between health and fitness products and mobile phones; like heartrate trackers, pacemakers and fertility tracking devices have each seen enormous uptake from customers and brands alike. As our understanding of complex medical conditions grows, it becomes increasingly important to track the impact of medicines and treatments given to patients.

With elections and major economic uncertainty on the horizon, businesses are unsurprisingly, cautious in their allocation of budget. Nowhere is that clearer than within public sector services. As austerity measures continue and NHS spending remains at its lowest for years – there is an ever-greater focus on personnel and equipment, as this is where funds will be reclaimed first. Dedicated apps that can perform the roles of doctors, nurses and the equipment they use for a fraction of a cost – through the creation of dedicated apps will become of critical importance to the health services.
So, before you consider throwing in the towel, or pulling your marketing spend – consider that, an app might be the solution you and your customers need. 
